Wednesday 28 June 2017

Sukha in Dhatusarata:An applied aspect


Sukha in Dhatusarata:An applied aspect

          Ayurved is one of the greatest gifts given by the sages of ancient India to mankind for healthy and long life. Agni (Digestive fire), Prakruti (Constitution), Dhatusarata (Tissue excellence), Doshas (Bioenergies) are the pillars of Ayurved, which help in diagnosis, treatment and research.
         The examination of Dhatusarata has been specified in Charak Samhita Vimansthan 8th chapter while explaining Dashavidha Pariksha (tenfold examination). Dhatusarata means the excellent state of Dhatu. By assessing Dhatusarata, one can judge the true strength of the particular Dhatu.    
         It is difficult to assess each and every quality of  Dhatusarata mentioned in Charak Samhita for e.g. Sukha, Aishwarya, Upabhaog, Bala etc. Among these, Sukha quality is quoted in Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda and Shukra sara.

        Sukha is the feeling in which the person is comfortable with. Whether this feeling of liking is same in all Saras or it has different meaning according to qualities of Dhatus should be ruled out. There is a necessity to develop some quantitative parameters to measure this quality.

        While reviewing Ayurvedic literature, it is found that Sukha quality is not merely happiness.Acharya Dalhana opined this quality as Anukul vedana (comfort zone) of the individual.  Sukha is liking or the thing in which the person is comfortable with.

        It means sukha quality related to different Dhatusaras is having different shades. By knowing these shades of a particular Dhatu of that person, we can get an appropriate idea about his likings or the things he is comfortable with. By knowing Dhatusarata, one can know about the abilities for particular profession but to get intimate success, one must concentrate on the comfort zone i.e. Sukha

         Rasa sara persons are rich in skin texture i.e. their skin is radiant and fair, they have supple and nourished hair so we can say that these persons have Sukha of skin and hair texture. They can choose their career in modeling.   

     Rasa sara persons are also very good tasters, they have a great sense of taste .So they can be good hoteliers. They can go on entire day on water or juice alone without feeling any physical distress because they naturally store plenty of energy in anticipation of such periods of deprivation. So it can be stated that these persons are expert in taste perception that means they like various tastes and they are very much comfortable with that.
     Rakta Sara persons have Sukha in reading, writing, discussing i.e. they have intellectual liking. Sukha in this context means a cause of satisfaction, so if this quality is utilized in their profession then they will be definitely successful and also they will enjoy their profession.   
Mamsa Sara persons have a god gift of good physique. So it can be affirmed that they have Sukha in a state of physical wellbeing. They can utilize this quality accordingly by choosing their career as military officer or navy officer, sports like body building, wrestling, weight lifting etc.    

  Meda Sara persons have Sukha i.e. they are comfortable with luxurious life. Here Sukha means a feeling that makes life pleasant. They cannot tolerate exertion so they require sedentary jobs. They are intelligent and suitable for administrative jobs. These people have boon of melodious voice, so they can be singers, announcers, commentators etc.  

   Shukra Sara persons have Sukha in art and beauty. Sukha in this context means liking, so if their career is related to some art or cosmetics etc. then they will be definitely successful and satisfied also.   
        Sukha quality is not mentioned in Asthi and Majjasara people. But Asthisara peoples are indulged in work and they love work, so we can say that they get Sukha or these people are comfortable with continuous work.In case of Majjasara people, they are intellectually so strong that they are above the sukha or comfort level. These people always think for others so they don’t think about self comfort.    
            Overall, Sukha quality has different shades in all Dhatusaras such as liking, comfort, a cause of satisfaction, a state of physical wellbeing, a feeling that makes life pleasant etc.     

      By knowing the Sukha or comfort zone of a particular Dhatu of individual, it will help to get an appropriate idea about his abilities / likings or the things he is comfortable with. Also by knowing Uttam Dhatusarata of individual, it will easy to know about the true strength. So by the combination of these two, it is easier to guide the person in choosing  appropriate profession which will be according to individual’s liking and also he will have the ability to become successful in that particular profession. If we recognize this and follow the guidelines according to Dhatusarata, we will not end up with the physical and mental health hassles that can lead to major complications.

1 comment:

  1. Dhatusaarata and appropriate vrutti and pravrutti in domain of Karma. For Complete wholistic well-being. Such easy and superb elaboration. Thank you Dr. Hamangini Madam for sharing The best perspective on Saarata. _/|\_


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