Friday 28 April 2017

Theories of tissue nourishment


 (Different theories related to nourishment of tissues)

        Charak commentator Chakrapanidatta explains how dhatus are formed and get nourished in a particular sequence and also the time taken to form the tissues. The sequence of formation and nourishment of dhatus is mentioned in Charak and all other compendia. (Cha.chi.15, Su.Su.14, A.S.Sha.7, A.H.Sha.3).These theories are not mentioned in any original samhitas but are found in the commentaries of Chakrapani,Shivdas,Gangadhar and Dalhan.

There are three theories about the modes of dhatu formation or nourishment as described below:

Kshira-dadhi nyaya (Law of Transformation)    
Kedari-kulya nyaya (Law of Transmission)
Khale-kapota nyaya (Law of Selection)

               KSHEERA-DADHI NYAYA

         According to this theory poorvadhatu is converted into uttara dhatu as milk is converted into curd, curd into butter & butter into ghrita & ghrita forms ghritamanda (upper transparent portion of ghee)

       Rasa is digested by rasa dhatvagni and is bioconverted into rakta,rakta into mamsa and so on  till the last dhatu shukra is formed as prasaadamshaas of their preceding dhatu
This complete conversion of one dhatu into other is called law of transformation i.e.sarvatma parinama paksha.
         For this conversion or transformation of one dhatu into next dhatu, it takes seven days for the formation of shukra from rasa dhatu.Some people say that dhatu parinaama takes 24 hours & some others say that it takes 6 days & some say that it takes 30 days for dhatu transformation to be completed.

         Drawbacks of this theory

·         According to this theory,the whole rasa dhatu is converted into rakta & the entire rakta into mamsa & so on upto shukra dhatu by 7th or 30th day. If a person fasts for 7days, the entire body should either become shukramaya or it should have perished because of absence of all dhatus except shukra.But it is never being found in any case where a person fast for more than one month .
·         If rasa dhatu is defective,all dhatus next to it will be defective as they are formed from rasa.
·         This theory cannot be applied in case of certain aphrodisiac,anti toxic and rasayana dravyas as they directly act on particular tissue.For e.g.milk is vrishya immediately acts on shukra dhatu after consumption so this cannot be explained by this law as according to this,it will take a month to act on shukra dhatu.
·         Medavriddhi should result in asthivriddhi by this law but in practice, it is not seen so.
        Hence this nyaya cannot be accepted as a whole.

Justification of this theory

          Formation of dhatus takes place serially.The dhatus are divided into three parts sthulamsha,sukshamsha and  malamsha  during their transformation.The sthoolamsha forms sthayi or stable dhatu.Sukshmamsha is the nutrient portion of next dhatu and this sukshmamsha gets transformed into next dhatu when it goes to its specific sroats.for e.g.when aahara rasa reaches rasavaha srotas,due to action of rasa dhatvagni,sthoolamsha i.e.stable Rasa dhatu is formed,sukshma raktaposhak amsha and upadhatus of rasa dhatu are formed.Its mala bhaga becomes kapha. The rakta poshaka rasa dhatu’s sukshmamsha becomes rakta , it’s sukshmasha becomes  mamsa poshaka rakta dhatu & upadhatus i.e. kandaras, siras & the malamsha becomes pitta.Like this, mamsa etc.also are divided into sthulamsha ,sukshamsha, malamasha.
This pattern of dhatu formation preserves the poorva dhatu as sthayi dhatu which is not transformed at all into the next dhatu.Instead of that,sukshma dhatuposhakamsha is transformed into next dhatu.Thus there is no question of complete transformation of dhatus.

Friends, we will discuss the other theories related to tissue nourishment in next blog. See u soon.

1 comment:

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