Wednesday 19 April 2017





Ayurved  is  one  of  the  great  gifts  of    sages  of  ancient  India  to  mankind.  It is designed for      healthy & long life span.  This aim is fulfilled by its sound & absolute principles.  Agni, Prakruti,       Dhatusarata, Dosha are the specialities of Ayurved or the things on which Ayurved rests its research & cure. Prakruti or body-mind typology  is an important concept of Ayurveda  & plays a  very important role  in  designing  lifestyle of  a  person  for  maintenance  of  health.  Prakruti remains unchanged during whole life & affects every aspect of life.

            If we look at different people in the world around us, we observe that all of us are not simply   alike.  Each  person  possesses  a  unique  constitution different  from  that  of  any    other  person.  We must understand our own nature for happiness & well-being in life.  Similarly  we  must  understand  the  nature  of  others,  which  may  be different than our own, for harmonious social     interaction. The food which is good for one person may not be good for another. For e.g. one person     may thrive on spices, while another similar person may not be able to tolerate them. Similarly the psychological conditions favourable for one person may not suit another.  Competition  may  stimulate  one  person  to  greater  achievement  but  can intimidate another & make him  fail.  Without  understanding  our  particular  constitution,  we  can  fall  into  poor  health  &  disease.  Ayurved contains such a well-developed science of individual types as its core wisdom. One of the great beauties of   Ayurved that it so clearly helps us to understand all our individual variations, special abilities & idiosyncrasies.

Tailoring your career to your personal interests is important if you want to work at something that is fulfilling and inspiring. If you love books and need to express your creativity through words and languages, a career as an accountant is probably not going to inspire you to get out of bed in every morning. Likewise if you are a linear thinker who likes to work within concrete and specific principles, working in a creative field like advertising may only serve to frustrate you. While you may not always be able to support yourself with your true passion, it is important to find a career that will suit your natural tendencies and interests.

 To enrich ones professional career, prakruti assessment can play a very important role. By knowing prakruti of a particular person, we can get an appropriate idea about his likings or the things he is comfortable with. So, we can guide the person in choosing appropriate profession which will  be  according to  his  liking  or passion & also he  will have the ability  to become successful in that particular profession.
By identifying one’s  prakruti, it is  possible  to  guide  the  students  in  selecting  their  career  that  will  suit  to  their  liking  as  well  as  their ability  for  better  future.The  dosha  that  predominates  due  to  our  genetic  inheritance  dictates  certain demands  in  terms of  diet,  environment  &  occupation.  If we recognize this & follow the guidelines according to our prakruti, we will not end up with physical & mental health hassles that can lead to major complications.

Vata  prakruti  people  are  usually  very  talkative  &  can  speak  on  any  subject  to  any  audience.  They speak for the love of speaking. Talking expends a lot of energy, which is one reason they love it so.  They  can  work  as  telephone  operators,  medical  representatives,  lawyers,  school  teacher,  news reader,  call  centres,  shopkeepers,  and  salesman.  They enjoy constant stimulation of a job, seeing new places, meeting new people so they can be travel agents, anchors, and LIC agents. They love to work at jobs that require sudden bursts of intense energy, because they naturally work that way.  So they can be pop singers, comedians, comic story writers, instrument players, circus artist, and disco dancers. Vata prakruti persons are active, speedy, usually light weight people so they can be circus artist, athleticians, and table tennis/badminton/Kho-kho players.  They can perform better in high jump, long jump, basket ball, horse riding, racing car, football players. They are so active & efficient so they can work better as nurses or ward boys in hospitals.  These people are original thinkers & very creative so they can make their career in event management, fashion designing, interior decorating & painting also. They enjoy constant stimulation & excitement but these people must pace themselves carefully & resist the temptation to try to do everything at once. 

Pitta  prakruti  people  are  dedicated  to  the  practical  side  of  life.  They are realists & enjoy the palpabilities  of  reality.  They are by nature aggressive & self promoting.  To  them  everything  is  a contest  &  all  contests  are  deserved  to  be  won.  They plan methodically & efficiently.  They love to engineer new ideas into practical uses. They require a job providing sufficient challenge to keep them occupied without the stress of severe competition.  They are usually acutely intelligent.  Their innate arrogance of cleverness can make them intolerant. They can be top executives, computer engineers, scientists, research workers, politicians, chess players. They are brave, courageous; enjoy  challenges  so  they  can  be  police  inspectors,  military  officers,  soldiers,  detectives,  stuntmen, action  heroes,  pilots,  criminal  lawyer.  They  can  make  their  career  in  kabaddi,  sword  fighting, swimming, racing car, adventure ports,  trekking which requires courage. They love music & dance they can prove their best in classical dance, music direction. They ought to avoid physically    irritating work situations like welding or metal casting which involve intense heat that might increase pitta. 

Kapha  prakruti  people  are  great  administrators,  having  steady  mind,  great  stamina.  They are so stable & balanced so they can be IAS officers, navy officers, legal advisors, editors, top executives in government.  They can become good judge, professor, commissioner or research officer.  These people  have  great  stamina  so  they  can  be  good  in  wrestling,  weight  lifting,  lawn  tennis.  They are calm, quiet, steady, have resonating voice so they can become classical singers. They can manage well.  They  give  the  ideas  an  enterprise  &  they  will  make  it run  smoothly.  These  people  should  keep themselves  active,  motivated  &  stimulated  to  keep  their  self  dosha  in  balance.  They must be approached with force, determination & consistency.

Here  are  few  examples  of  the  way  we  can  differentiate  people  in  categories  for  advising  various careers.  Vata  prakruti  people  can  be  comic  story  writers,  pitta  people  can  be  bravery  story  writers while kapha people can be mysterious story writers.    Vata prakruti people can be football players, pitta people can work well as a goal keeper & kapha people can do a better job as a referee. Vata prakruti people  can  be  a  good  general  practitioner  as  they  are  active  &        love talking,  pitta  can  be  good surgeons,  CMOs  or  neurosurgeons  as  they  are  courageous,  kapha  people  can  better  work  as Ayurved  consultants,  psychiatrists  as  it  requires  great  patience. Vata  prakruti  people  can  be  good comedians,  pitta  people  can  be  action  heroes,  kapha  people  can  work  as  a  character  artist  or  film director.        
In  dwandwaj  prakruti,  both  doshas  should  be  considered  according  to  the  predominance.Also  the  dominance  of  dosha  gunas  in  the  prakruti  should  also  be  considered  while  advising  the career. 

It  should  always  be  remembered  that  vata  people  need  balance  &  relaxation,  pitta  people require  challenges  &  kapha  people  need  motivation  &  stimulation  to  keep  their  self  doshas  in balanced  state.  

Work consumes at least a third of our lives. Success or failure at your chosen profession affects your self confidence, yourself worth & the self validity of your personality. Making prakruti work for you & not against you, in every aspect of life is one of the   life’s great challenges. After all, your work should agree with your prakruti.  


  1. Please Organise Cme on regular basis will be helpful for practical implementation of prakruti on disease treatment

  2. Ayurveda needs such initiatives in today's era!,
    Congratulations Ma'am!

  3. Sangeeta Jadhav29 April 2017 at 12:46

    Very nicely explained.


Dhatu Guna & Dhatu Vikruti

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